Translate from English into Russian: overcast
Translate from English into Russian: sleet
Translate from English into Russian: thunderstorm
Translate from English into Russian: hail
Translate from English into Russian: shower
Translate from Russian inti English: осадки
Translate from Russian inti English: влажность
Translate from Russian inti English: давление
Translate from Russian inti English: пар
Translate from Russian inti English: Какая сегодня погода?
Choose the right idiom: I watched a great film last week. It didn`t _______________________ .
Choose the right idiom: Alex is a great friend. She`s always cheerful and ___________________. She has never ________________ .
Choose the right idiom:I went to visit my friend last summer. His family gave me _______________________ .
Choose the right idiom: We will have more opportunities if we develop our skills, abilities and talents. They will help us to ________________ any time.
Choose the right idiom: We should __________________________ that we need reliable people surrounding us.
Change the sentences from Present Simple Active to Present Simple Passive: We measure temperature in degrees Celsius in Europe.
Change the sentences from Present Simple Active to Present Simple Passive: Warm and cold air movement changes air pressure.
Change the sentences from Present Simple Active to Present Simple Passive: The sun heats the water in rivers, lakes, seas and oceans.
Choose the right preposition: _______ the beginning of the last century life was completely different.
Choose the right preposition: Her English improved _____ the end.